I think it's really important as well, as I've said before, that these nuclear plants are big industrial sites. I went to the University of Western Ontario, and two of the guys who were in residence with me—one from Iroquois Falls, one from Kapuskasing—were crawling in underneath rolls of flying paper. I wouldn't do that for a moment. There is dangerous work, if you're not trained to be safe and secure.
The difference between a lot of places and nuclear is that we spend all of our time considering the safety elements. The women and men who work there are trained and retrained. It takes six and eight and nine years for people to get certified to be operators in our plants. We are preoccupied with safety. It isn't just that you get inside and once you're there you quit thinking. It's like any sophisticated apparatus: you have to be respectful of it, you have to be vigilant with it, and you have to keep it repaired and fixed as though it were your own piece of equipment in your own basement. Then it's going to run well.
What has happened—you saw the table—is that as we get better at looking at how we run our plants safely and how we make sure our maintenance is done in a timely fashion, we're getting even better performance out of these things. It's like one of those cases when people say win-win, but these are win-win-wins. This is better production of electricity at a better price, a better operation of our plants, with safer outcomes for the women and men who work inside the gate and better outcomes for the people who are around them in communities. We're having a huge impact on the economies of each of those host communities.
But we don't do it by taking anything for granted. Wayne's right: people who don't work with a certain type of industrial apparatus are skittish of it—and not just nuclear. But nuclear has the problem associated with the events Mr. St. Amand identified: Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. In our case, containment and safety and security in depth—this apparatus around our units—makes us preoccupied with keeping these things safe so that people can enjoy a safe, healthy, and long life.