We currently emit something like 750 megatonnes a year, I believe. So each twin ACR plant would save, if it displaced coal, about 15 million tonnes. If you could build 10 of these twin ACR stations, then that would provide sufficient hydrogen to fuel probably all the cars and light trucks in Canada, and that would be, I suppose, something like possibly 100 megatonnes. So I think if you started using nuclear to make hydrogen, to get into the hydrogen economy, coupling that with renewables like wind and intermittent renewables such as wind and solar to make hydrogen, coupled with a base load like nuclear, you could have quite an impact on reducing our emissions over time.
But the reality is that we're going to be dependent on fossil fuels for some time to come, for our economy. We will have to do all we can to reduce, but it's going to take time to come up with those reductions.