That's a really difficult question to answer. I'm sorry if I sound evasive, but the reality is that there are no third-generation nuclear plants operating today. There's one under construction in Finland. I believe it's AREVA, the French company, that is working on that. It's behind schedule and over budget. Where the final cost will be is kind of hard to say.
Similarly, there isn't a lot of large-scale coal gasification infrastructure in place. I think the answer to that will be that there's room probably for both technologies, and it will depend to a large extent on the geology in the surrounding territory and the availability of the resource.
If you're in western Canada, particularly Alberta and Saskatchewan, there are a lot of opportunities for enhanced oil recovery, which makes the economics, as I'm sure you know, of clean coal better, and a lot of opportunities for storage. The geology is a little less favourable in Ontario for sequestration of carbon, and there you might see nuclear as maybe a more important source going forward.
The bottom line is that we're really waiting for these technologies to prove themselves and to show what the operating costs would be in a full-scale setting.