Perhaps I could take a stab at answering the question.
I think whether the solution is clean coal, new nuclear, large-scale hydro, or a combination of all those things, and more energy-efficient buildings, it takes time. That really was the key point behind the econometric analysis that was done by the government. In the short term, before you can build new nuclear plants, before you can build clean coal, before you can build large-scale hydro, the only thing you can do to really make a huge dent in emissions is reduce your level of output.
It takes time to build large-scale industrial facilities. You have to do the design, you have to do the engineering, and you have to do the environmental assessment. All those things take time.
So in the period between now and the end of Kyoto, 2012, our options are, frankly, very limited. If we'd started 10 years ago, it might be different, but we didn't.