Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Chairman and committee members, to talk about my favourite topic, nuclear energy.
I have prepared a deck, and the first slide is just an overview of how a nuclear reactor works. If you look at the upper left-hand corner, you will see a fuel bundle about the size of a log, which contains one million kilowatt hours of electricity. That's enough electricity for you and your family for about 100 years. So this is a very condensed form of energy. The fuel bundle is made up of rods, and these rods contain a solid ceramic material, uranium oxide, which gets burned in a nuclear reaction. That fuel is put into a fuel channel—which you can see in the upper right-hand corner. The fuel goes into a fuel channel, into a pressure tube. There are 12 of these bundles in each of the pressure tubes. Then at the bottom right-hand corner, you can see that these fuel channels are put into a large vessel we call the calandria.
The way it works is that the fuel heats up due to the nuclear reactions. The cooling water flows through the fuel, through the pipes. Hot water comes out of the pipes and goes into—as you can see on the left-hand side—some tall yellow structures. These are called steam generators; they're just large kettles. The heat from the nuclear reaction causes water in those kettles to boil, makes steam and turns the turbine. So that's as simple as it is; it's simply burning nuclear materials in order to create heat to make steam to make electricity. Of course, it does so without emissions from the fuel; the fuel looks the same when it comes out of the reactor as when it went into it.
This is all part of the CANDU evolution. On page 3, the generation II reactor, the CANDU 6, is now in operation in five countries. We have two of them here in Canada. The advanced CANDU reactor, which I am going to discuss, is a generation III+ reactor, the next step in innovation. Beyond that we have even further innovations, called the CANDU super critical water reactor, but I'm not here to describe that. I can only say this is a national program and an exciting new area of innovation for the young scientists and engineers coming out of our universities; speaking of which, we have hired about 900 of these young scientists and engineers from all over Canada over the past year. The nuclear business is really booming.
Let's move on to the ACR-1000. On page 5, I'd like to point out that nuclear power, as Mr. Wallace mentioned, has a large impact on emissions. Each twin station of the advanced CANDU reactor could prevent up to 15 million tonnes of greenhouse gases per year, by displacing coal. We also believe that the ACR is the least expensive and the only large-scale technology for avoiding large-scale carbon emissions for various applications.
On page 6, I indicate the heart of the reactor, the core. I'm again showing you all of the channels I showed you before for our flagship product, the CANDU 6. This is a 700-megawatt reactor. Over on the right-hand side is the ACR-1000, which is a 1,085-megawatt reactor. It's a lot larger, but it's hard to tell the difference between the two because the ACR is basically built on the CANDU 6. It's an evolution of the CANDU 6, but there's 57% more power. Everything we know from 50 years of nuclear research and development in Canada has gone into the design of this reactor.
The enhancements on page 7 are in safety, economics, and operability. On safety, if you address slide 9, there are many defence and in-depth safety features of this reactor. One of them is to surround the core with a lot of heat sinks so that if the cooling to the core is interrupted, there are many other ways of taking heat out of the core. This is a rather unique feature of CANDU, because the vessel in which those fuel channels fit is a large vessel called a calandria. That calandria vessel has to be full of water—in fact, heavy water—because when neutrons are born they're moving very fast, and you have to slow them down, so they're moving very slowly before they can be reabsorbed into the uranium.
It's done in the calandria vessel. In the vessel, 250 tonnes of water sit around the core. Heat can be transferred into the water if the normal cooling system and the emergency cooling systems are not available.
We have a large shield tank around the calandria vessel, which is shown at point number two, on page nine, and it is a 600-tonne body of water. It is again passively sitting there, waiting to take heat out of the core.
To back it all up, we have an even larger tank at the top of the reactor that is called the reserve water tank, which is shown at point number three. There are 2,500 tonnes of water that can flow by gravity down into any part of the core where it's required.
These are passive systems. You don't have to activate anything, and it just happens. Water flows downhill.
We've taken advantage of all those kinds of features in the design of this reactor. I've been in the reactor safety business for a long time, and this is an extremely advanced reactor with respect to safety enhancements.
We've also designed a very strong containment. This containment will withstand the largest airplane crashes. We haven't found anything that can penetrate this containment.
Constant improvements are very important. You can have the best reactor in the world, but if it's not economical, no one will build it.
First of all, there's delivery. On building on the CANDU 6 success, I'd like to point out that AECL and its Canadian partners in Team CANDU have a record that is second to none in terms of delivery. AECL has never built a reactor in Canada, but we have built all the CANDU 6 reactors outside Canada on time and on budget.
I said we've never built a reactor in Canada, but we've been a subcontractor to others. We would do the design of the nuclear island, but it was always built by others.
When we build these reactors, we bring them in on time and on budget. Our latest completed project, Qinshan, in fact came in at 10% below budget and four months ahead of schedule.
We know how to build these reactors because we spend as much time on product delivery and the technology for product delivery as we do on the technology itself. You need good technology, but you have to be able to deliver it. And the third thing is that you have to be able to operate it well. Those are the three keys for being successful in the nuclear game. I think some vendors concentrate an awful lot on the technology, but they forget about the delivery and the operability.
On the Cernavoda unit 2 in Romania, I'm pleased to say this reactor started to operate two weeks ago. It's in the process of being commissioned now and will be synchronized to the Romanian grid sometime near the end of the summer.
In the interests of time, Mr. Chairman, I'll skip over some of the technologies we've been developing in order to reduce the cost. I will move on to the third topic and the third thing that is important for a nuclear reactor, which is enhanced plant operations.
Our flagship product, the CANDU 6, compares very well to any other products out there today. On the lifetime capacity factor of the CANDU 6, it's operating in five different countries by large utilities that operate light water reactors, different types of reactors, as well as CANDU reactors, by utilities that only have one reactor, and by utilities that have many reactors and, of course, many different operating cultures. The lifetime capacity is nevertheless 86%.
There's not another single model of reactor that has a capacity factor as good as this one. It's partly attributable to the fact that we do not have to shut down the reactor to refuel. We can keep putting fuel into these channels and taking off the used fuel at the end of the channel.
We have 86% now, and we have set a goal for the ACR to be greater than 92% over its 60-year life. We think we can do this, and the way we're going to do it is partly shown on page 17.
The reactor itself sits around four divisions, and this is called a quadrant design. In order to operate the reactor, you only need to have three of the four parts of the reactor working at any one time. You can take one of them offline in order to do maintenance. These are all the auxiliary systems that take the power out of the reactor, but you only need to have three of those four operating. We can send crews to do maintenance, leaving the reactor on, rotating from quadrant to quadrant. In addition, we can get inside the reactor building itself, and as shown on the right-hand side, while the reactor is operating there are many areas of the plant that we can get into and actually do maintenance. The red areas you cannot get into. That's the reason you have to shut the reactor down once every three years to do maintenance.
The final thing I'd like to say is that we have put an awful lot of thought into advanced operations and the technology. One of the things that have been on my mind for a number of years is, seeing that the nuclear renaissance was going to take off and there were going to be many nuclear plants, how we get the expertise that is in the nuclear laboratories into the plants themselves, because there are simply not enough nuclear chemists, for example, to go around all the nuclear plants. You can't find them. So if you can't put the expert into the plant, can you bring the plant to the expert? That's what we've been doing.
Shown on this slide is an expert who knows all about steam generators and their performance. He can sit in the lab, and on his screen, using the smart CANDU technology, he can actually evaluate what is going on in the plant and assist the operator in keeping the plant operating very well.
So we have a number of these technologies, and we're going to use our content experts, sitting in our laboratories, to actually analyze these plants and anticipate ahead of time what preventive maintenance would have to be done to ensure that the plant is operating within its parameters. It's very exciting technology.
I would like to say here that there's a whole bunch of exciting technology going on in our national nuclear laboratory, which is only two and a half hours down the road. Mr. Chairman, I would invite any members of the committee to come and visit us. It's an exciting place to visit. Every lab you go into, you'll see some really wonderful innovative work by our scientists and engineers.
I would like to end with a comment on managing the waste. With the ACR-1000, the amount of nuclear fuel waste will be reduced by about two-thirds, because we'll get more energy out of every bundle by enriching the fuel and leaving it in the reactor for a longer period of time.
Mr. Wallace talked about the waste management process that is going on in Canada. I'd like to say that, to me, there's a very nice symmetry here. We take uranium out of the ground, a ceramic material; we put it into a fuel bundle; we then put it into a reactor, and we get huge amounts of energy out of it, without environmental emissions; it then comes out of the reactor and stays in water for about six years for cooling, but there's been sufficient radioactive decay over that period that you can then put it into dry storage, which is a passive way of storing it. Then, after some length of time--although dry storage would last for many, many decades--the plan would be to put it back into geologic formations where it came from.
So there's a nice cycle. You take it out of the ground, you extract lots of energy from it without emissions, and then eventually you put it back into the ground. If anything, you are putting it into an engineered state that is far more stable than the formations that the original ore came from. This ore has been stable for over a billion years in the deposits we have here in Canada.
Mr. Chairman, I apologize. I took a little bit longer, but I did try to give you a little sense of what a reactor is and some of the excitement that we have around our latest product, the ACR-1000.
Thank you for your attention.