May I just make a comment on that?
I tend to agree with Mr. Jaccard.
When I say we need clear targets and timelines, it's not about the intensity requirement for the next three years, or the next seven or eight years. That's a start. It's not the end of the line.
We need timelines beyond 2015 to where we're going to go. When you make decisions on power plants, these assets have 40-year lives. The decisions that are being made today for a power plant that's going in in 2013 or 2015, if it's based on the information that is available can it take into account what the effect of those emissions will be in 2040 and 2050 when that power plant is still going to be operating? That's the concern for a business economic decision.
I think that's also what Mr. Jaccard is talking about in terms of these coal plants and where we have to go.