That's a great question, and you know, that has been a problem in the past. Without looking backwards, the gears of the two departments weren't meshing as they needed to mesh as you move forward. They're linked so integrally that it's the only way to actually get results and move forward.
I can tell you that I meet with the Minister of the Environment on a regular basis, every single week. I'm also pleased that it's not just at the ministerial and our staff levels, but it's also at the departmental level. The deputy and both the ADMs, Margaret and Howard, have been reaching out and have made great strides with their counterparts at Environment Canada, who have done so as well. We have sent a very clear direction that this needs to happen. This is something that both sides have been keen to say, you know what, if we're going to make this happen, this is where we need to move forward.
Just to give you some concrete examples, officials who work in my office have gone out and met with some of the industry folks in the energy sector, some of the large final emitters up in the oil sands, and they've gone as a group. They've gone as staff from both Environment Canada and Natural Resources Canada; they've gone collectively to sit down and say, we need to move forward on these files. It hasn't just been Natural Resources; it hasn't just been Environment Canada. It was very well received.
So all the right things are happening and we're going to make sure they continue to happen. It's happening at the staff level, at the executive level in both departments, and at the ministerial level. As a result of that, I think the big winners will be the Canadian people, the environment, and the industry itself.