I'd be happy to come back at another time to tell you in detail about our responsibilities for electrical reliability.
I only have one small clarification. The federal government is of course not directly responsible for the reliability of the electrical system; it's the responsibility of the provinces. We are responsible for the federal government's role.
It's actually a little broader than that. More broadly, we are the lead federal department on supply disruptions in energy. Since taking over as deputy, Mr. Fadden has reminded the executive committee on several occasions that we are deficient in this area and we should do better. I think that I, Margaret, and the other ADM's are taking that to heart.
If I could give a little good news, I think one area where we're responsible is coordinating international cooperation in the event of a disruption in the supply of crude petroleum. This happened last fall. We're still working our way through the evaluation of how that worked, but I think that on the whole we did what we needed to do, and the International Energy Agency as a whole had a plan that worked. While I think we need to do better, I think we've started on that and there are some positive developments for plans that we have in place.