Thank you
And thank you for your excellent presentations.
I have just a few questions around public acceptance, and I think it's pretty high from what I've seen—and I'm from British Columbia, where we don't have any wind power. I think there are problems with connections. I don't think those are from provincial rules, but from hydro policies and their rules. I think we need to overcome some of those hurdles, because there are people in British Columbia who are ready to go. They've done a lot of work in securing the land and the technology, and there's a great need for increased wind production. Maybe you can talk a little bit about that.
Also, there was some talk about small wind energy production or manufacturing. Is that for individual homes? Maybe you can explain a bit more about that.
On solar energy, you said the Canadian government has no targets for solar energy at this time. If we did, what would they be?
And maybe on the framework of a national energy policy, could you give me a vision of what that would look like with regard to wind power and solar? I think those are important.
Also, there are investment tax credits to the tune of about $1.4 billion for the oil and gas sector in Canada. If those investment tax credits were equal for the renewable sector, what would the sector look like? How would that change the shape of what you're trying to achieve?