With regard to how other countries have done it, we found that normally there have been targets that have been set, first of all, and then an overall strategy has been developed so that you see what the barriers are, what the obstacles are, and then you work towards overcoming those. You need a consistent policy framework, which we have been lacking in Canada.
For example, REDI has been very good for the solar thermal industry. It has to be kept in mind that in the last five years we ran out of funds for actual deployment three times during the busy solar industry system. So you go up and down, up and down. You end up going nowhere.
With regard to recommendations for class 43.1, we've been working on this portfolio for 10 years. We know we have support from specific departments. We're not convinced we have support from NRCan, and to us that is a big issue. Why are we put in there, in class 43.1, when, in reality, and everyone acknowledges, we're not really there?