Maybe I could begin.
There are really two blocks of programs we're talking about. First, as far as the solar program is concerned, the renewable energy deployment initiative, the previous government announced a review of a number of climate change programs. The WPPI program was not included as part of that review, but the REDI program was.
If my memory is correct, there was something in the order of 100 programs that were subject to a fairly comprehensive review process initially by Treasury Board, and the Privy Council Office was involved. The results of that review were presented to the new government, and decisions are, in some sense, working their way through the system.
Robert McMonagle was in to meet us a couple of weeks ago. In the case of solar, I mentioned at the time that we were hoping to see a situation where we could unblock the solar program, with a decision at least one way or the other, but hopefully a positive decision, by the end of this month. I'm still hopeful that will occur, but I can't get ahead of the various government decision-making processes.