I'll give you a quick answer as to what I see as the difference between the two. And I think CPPI may have a slightly different perspective on some of this.
It's a much newer product in the North American context, so I think for that reason there are more questions being raised by users, be they truckers or others, who aren't as familiar with it as they are in the European market, where biodiesel has been a much larger part of the fuel mix for a longer time. Diesel fuel is different in Europe. The mix of automobiles is different in Europe. Diesel plays a much bigger role in the consumer vehicle market. So there are a number of differences.
Like any new product, there are early entrants and a bit of a curve to go through in acceptance, whether it's for biodiesel or anything else. I think the industry and consumers are working their way along that curve of increased comfort with and understanding of the fuel. There are different assessments of where on that curve we are, but I don't think it's because of anything structural in biodiesel itself. It's just a new product, so there are questions associated with it.
There are some infrastructure changes needed, as there are for ethanol, to accommodate it in a fuel mix. It would probably be much better to have Jack and Alain talk about the specifics of those things, because they're far more knowledgeable.