Shall I take a first crack at that on the investment side?
As I mentioned, there are over 100 ethanol plants in the U.S. operating today, and 30 more in construction. In the biodiesel industry you have about a dozen large plants in the U.S. being constructed, and we have two that were recently opened in Canada.
We have within our industry a pretty good idea of what would constitute a good economic and regulatory environment to build in. What you want to be in is a jurisdiction that generates a return on investment that is competitive with that in neighbouring jurisdictions. If you're looking at doing a wheat-based ethanol plant or a canola-based biodiesel plant in western Canada, you're going to look at North Dakota and Montana versus Saskatchewan and Alberta. Your feedstock costs are going to be very similar irrespective of which side of the 49th parallel you build that plant on, and you're going to build it where you're going to get the best return.
It's no different from the auto industry, the aerospace industry, or any other non-resource industry in terms of being return-driven. Resource industries are different, obviously. You can't move the uranium in northern Saskatchewan to a tax haven: it's there and it's not moving. But you're not bound to a geographical location in the same way with a manufacturing industry such as this.
Being competitive in terms of return is very difficult. There isn't a simple answer to what that takes, because every jurisdiction is a bit different in terms of their tax policies or their labour laws. There are about 150 different factors in the equation that will generate what your return on investment is. Generally speaking, if you mirror the types of support programs that are available in the United States, which is the most important market to compare ourselves with, because it's so integrated, then you are going to be pretty competitive. I think we're realistic that the support threshold is at a number that's smaller than what exists in the U.S., but we have some advantages in terms of perhaps lower feedstock costs and other advantages.
I know this is not a simple answer, but I think you will know very quickly, based on whether people are actually announcing plants and are constructing plants, whether we've gotten the policy right. We're happy to pressure-test various ideas within our members' economic models to give you an idea whether or not it is right.