I think you all have the motion in front of you. This has arisen because we have given some latitude to questions in the last while; it kind of got a bit out of hand and the questions got a little longer, so it resulted in us not getting around.
I have also asked the clerk to distribute the original motion, for your information. This was one we had some considerable debate on at the first meetings.
The current system we are operating on, if we would stick to it, gives every member an opportunity to ask a five-minute question. That is based on the makeup of the committee and the makeup of the House. It would coincidentally give every member a five-minute question should we get to the fourth round.
We haven't gotten to the fourth round, and that has precluded the opportunity for the Bloc to have a third question and the NDP to have a second question, because in the earlier rounds we just took too much time.
As chairman, I apologize for that, because we have allowed a little more latitude to these people, but my sense is that if we did stick to the original program, we could actually get everybody in.
Be that as it may, you have that information. There is a motion in front of you, and now I will ask for any debate.
Did you want to discuss it further, Ms. Bell?