Mr. Chairman, while I guess I support the thought behind the motion, I believe the motion is flawed in some respects. First of all, let me say that I, for one, believe--and I'm sure my colleagues on this side agree--that this forestry issue is something that demands immediate attention. I'm sorry members opposite didn't exactly see it that way, choosing to deal with the nuclear issue, which was pretty much dealt with in an extended manner, rather than getting right into the forestry issue. I would prefer if the members in the other parties had seen the seriousness of the crisis that our forestry industry in Canada, in all provinces, including the province of Quebec, is facing. We just started to deal with it.
I like the principle of Madame DeBellefeuille's motion, but it may cause some problems, first of all, because of our agreements with the United States, which is the biggest market for Canadian softwood lumber, as you know. Even though the market for building houses in the States has gone south right now, we've enjoyed a huge market for our softwood lumber in the States because we've had ongoing stand-alone agreements with them. One of them is our current softwood lumber agreement, and as in past softwood lumber agreements, Canada cannot be seen to be directly subsidizing our forest industry. That is absolute fact. We will invite a challenge under the softwood lumber agreement in an instant should we even be perceived to be directly subsidizing our forest industry in any form.
The government recognizes the crisis in the forest industry and it recognizes that forest workers are going to be displaced by poor markets and for other reasons. Certainly in B.C., where we have the pine beetle, workers are being displaced by that infestation, and our industry is in crisis. That's why the government has developed the community development trust to assist communities that are dependent on any type of industry when there is an economic slowdown in that industry that has an effect on certain communities. In the auto sector, the manufacturing sector, the forest sector, the mining sector, where communities are having trouble because of tough economic times in their particular economic sector, this development trust is there to provide transition, retraining for workers, etc. That's already in place, and it can be expanded to include any community experiencing an economic slowdown because of the conditions of their particular industry.
Even though I really appreciate the thought, I fear that in Madame DeBellefeuille's motion, if we are to include anything in that motion that sounds as if the government would be directly subsidizing the forest industry singularly, we would raise the eyebrows of the Americans in an instant, who are saying they should watch this one because, if the government does that, they are going to launch a challenge under the softwood lumber agreement. That's my concern.
In light of the fact that the government already has a community development trust that can be applied to communities affected by the forest industry, I'm not comfortable with the motion specifically talking about aid to the forest industry. I fear that this is a rocky road that we don't want to travel.
I would be very willing to go into a series of committee meetings that dissected the forest industry seven ways from Sunday and that came up with some recommendations on how communities can be helped and so on, but to send a signal that this is about aiding specifically the forest industry financially, I have a problem with that. And I think we would have some challenges from south of the border.
This is not new with the current softwood lumber agreement. It was in the previous one as well, and it was in other agreements we had. So it's not a new clause that's causing this problem; it's a clause that's already been in there for previous agreements. You can bet the American lumber companies and their lawyers are watching very carefully, as they have been for years and years.
That's what I have to say about that motion. I would have trouble supporting the motion as it is.
Thank you.