Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
And to all of you, thank you for being here. It's been very helpful, at least to me.
I've been particularly impressed, Mr. Malkoske, with your understanding of and the manner in which you've let the committee know about the role MDS Nordion plays with respect to the whole strategic relationship within the industry and within the international community and the relationship with AECL. Because I see that it's so fundamentally important, I'm going to question you further on that.
To give you the benefit of that knowledge, back in 2005 the Auditor General reported serious shortcomings with respect to the implementation of the capital program, with respect to NRU. It wasn't on a safety basis; it was more a question of when was this work going to get done, who was accountable for making sure that the capital program...?
In view of the importance that you have enumerated, were you aware of the situation that existed with respect to AECL and the NRU, and the whole industry with respect to its dependence on NRU?