You're certainly giving me a level of power that I'm not used to as a humble professor.
But I am clear that if I had had access...and by the way, I don't have access to all the internal information; I follow what's in the paper. If I had had the kind of information and the benefit of the information, and the discussions of all these timelines and the things the way they were emerging, I would have said, gentlemen, there is a better way for an answer here, and it goes something to this effect. If you say to me that first I need to have an earthquake occur, and then I need to have a whole series of multiple failures happen before the effectiveness of whether this pump is connected or not connected, and so on...and you're down into the milliseconds of radiation on a hypothetical basis to some individual that could occur under this scenario, and imminent harm to lives of Canadians from the medical need perspective here.... To me, the determination is so simple that I'm puzzled as to why they couldn't get there.