Does it not concern you, as the deputy minister, that one department may be at cross purposes...or that with the work you're doing, say with the forest industry associations, of which there are many, all of a sudden another branch of government is off on one tangent? Should there not be more coordination and focusing of direction and goals? That would be the obvious question.
Second, would that aspect of it not perhaps be used...? Say if you were making progress on the transportation front or the costs or some of the other issues in terms of international marketing that you mentioned, might that get displaced by the sort of ad hocery of it, where you as a deputy minister are unable to give me some base answers?
I say that with concern and respect for public service, that you have a job to do, and that right now, at this committee, which is a hearing on how to improve us, you probably should be one of the people who should know, really, what those answers are--with respect.