There are a number of things out there. We've been through it for a lot of years, from significant provincial and local issues. I say it's a viable industry, but communities are one of the forgotten players in it. Even in forest management planning initiatives that were mentioned, they have economic impact modelling but it's just a check box. The actual hard aspect of it is the municipalities and the communities where you may have to put roads in, drainage systems, and have that infrastructure for an industry and then an industry happens to close for a period of time and you've spent a lot of money and there's nothing in there for those communities. It's really a hard row to hoe, and there's no moving ahead after.
So those are some of the things. Key infrastructure programs have to be maintained in those municipalities while things like this transition take place. Those are things that all levels of government have to be committed to. To maintain that infrastructure level—and I'm not talking about building new rinks or anything like that, but water, roads, and sewers—the main infrastructure has to be maintained and in place for those communities. It allows them at least the opportunity to diversify and do what positive workings can come out of a committee like this.