I can try to take on a couple of your questions, and thank you very much.
First of all, you were right that they do look at the pool in the United States. The U.S. operators are required to carry $330 million Canadian in insurance. So it would be very similar to the amount that we're going to be requiring of the Canadian operators. If you look at comparing to the U.S. and in the event you had to have a greater liability, that would be something that would come back before Parliament if there was ever an incident, but all of the research shows that this is going to meet the international standards of $650 million, that it is the appropriate amount of insurance required by the operator to carry, and that the standard has been met. So we had a hard look to ensure that this meets the international standards, and again it's very similar to the amount the U.S. operator is required to carry.
You have to find and strike that balance of what is the appropriate amount to impose. There is a cost. As our colleague from the Bloc has recognized, this will increase their premiums sixfold, and again it will meet the international standards. And we believe with the addition to the limitation periods this is the correct amount of insurance for the operator to carry in Canada.