Both Germany and Japan, which have had experiences with catastrophes in nuclear contamination, have unlimited liability in their systems. So there is quite a difference in where you go internationally.
Another thing within this bill that we're having trouble with is that there is no provision for compensation for an accident in another country. Perhaps the best solution to this would be to have Canada sign the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage, which is an international document that would start to build the case that the responsibility for nuclear contamination from one country carries through to other countries that are affected by the potential.
If we are in a situation where we have good nuclear facilities that are unlikely to cause such contamination, it may well be in our interest to move ahead with this convention, because of course we live next to another country that has a lot of nuclear reactors, and they're not necessarily of the same kind as ours.
I think there is an argument to be made that we need to look at this compensation that spans international boundaries and would give us that support.