Thank you, Chair.
Good morning, everyone. It's wonderful to be here to speak on behalf of forestry, which has always been Canada's largest export-based resource. It has built the fabric of Canada and has been a part of the economic base of the Prince Albert region for about 100 years. Saskatchewan can boast several achievements in the forest industry: the largest sawmill in the British Commonwealth was at Big River; the first oriented strand board or OSB mill in Canada was at Hudson Bay; and Canada's first closed-loop hardwood pulp mill is at Meadow Lake. Forestry has created secure, well-paid jobs for residents and has created healthy communities. It has earned the right to be considered for national support that is at least equal to other industries.
In the fall of 2005 Weyerhaeuser announced it would be closing the Prince Albert pulp and paper mill. In January 2006 the paper line was permanently shut down and on April 12, 2006, the pulp mill closed its doors.
In August 2006 a merger between Weyerhaeuser and Domtar was announced, and Domtar took possession of most of Weyerhaeuser's Prince Albert assets. Today we approach the second anniversary of the mill closure and the loss of thousands of pulp mill, sawmill, and associated jobs in my city and across the province. The entire province has felt the impact of the closure of the Prince Albert pulp and paper mill in terms of losing jobs and economic activity. Clearly the greatest impact has been in Prince Albert, Big River, Carrot River, Hudson Bay, Meath Park, Nipawin, Holbein, Green Lake, and communities throughout the forest region where much of the direct employment took place.
In terms of jobs, families, institutions and schools, health services and charities, etc., the social impact of the closure has been large. The city of Prince Albert is affected directly as the majority of employees live in the city. The surrounding communities where employees lived were affected, as were supporting and dependent companies--for example, harvest/haul operators and sawmills. The impact has expanded further to include communities outside the forest region where support companies exist--Saskatoon and Regina.
In purely economic terms, the pulp and paper mill was a significant component of the Saskatchewan economy. It contributed 0.5% to the provincial GDP on its own and 1.2% when the combined effects of sawmill, harvester, and support jobs were included. It directly employed 690 people and supported an additional 1,380 indirect jobs throughout the province. Just as important was the effect on local sawmillers who eventually closed their doors, and in this way an additional 1,883 jobs were affected, bringing the total to 3,953 jobs lost as the result of a single mill closure.
The closure has had a ripple effect throughout the province. For example, ERCO Worldwide, a chemical company in Saskatoon, supplied the mill with inputs for production of pulp and paper, and the company employed about 100 people and was significantly affected by the closure. Other Saskatoon- and Regina-based businesses that supplied products and services to the forest-based companies, such as trucking, packaging, supplies, and consulting services, lost a key customer. The impact is wide in scope and not yet fully understood.
The City of Prince Albert is hard hit by the closure of the mill. It stands to lose $1.7 million in property tax revenue and has already lost $1.6 million in energy surcharges. The total of the lost revenue exceeds $3.3 million annually; the pulp and paper facility provided 19% of the city's total budget.
Schools in the area have been hard hit through lost taxes and also through lower enrolment. The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, CEP local 1120, calculates a loss of over 1,000 students in the school system.
Many charities and other groups are feeling the impact of lower financial support from the forest sector.
A provincial task force was appointed the day after the closure was announced by Weyerhaeuser. Included in the task force was the mayor of the City of Prince Albert and union and community representatives. Further community involvement came in the form of business leaders who formed the Prince Albert Forest Action Committee, which lobbied on behalf of the Prince Albert businesses and acted in an advisory capacity to the task force and as a conduit for communication to the community.
Despite extended closure, the city has not lost hope. I have not lost hope myself. There is a future for the sector, but concrete steps are needed to build this industry.
Challenges faced by the forest sector are both global in nature and local in circumstance. International competition has been building in the pulp and lumber industries. Fast-growing trees and lower labour costs in South America and Pacific Rim countries have been too attractive for forest companies to ignore. Many of these companies have moved production of pulp and paper to these regions, abandoning their North American mills.
Other nations have moved faster than Canada to maintain their forest sectors. Scandinavian countries, Finland in particular, have supported their industries to the detriment of ours, and much of their growth has been at the expense of the Canadian forest industry, as Finnish product has out-competed ours on the global market.
When combined with decreasing demand for paper worldwide, the softwood lumber tariff, and the slowdown in housing starts in the United States, it spells a downturn for the Canadian forest business.
Unique and significant challenges for Saskatchewan would include climate change. Indications are that Saskatchewan's boreal forest may disappear as we know it today. Ground zero for climate change impacts is Saskatchewan. Today's forests are projected to move north. What will take its place is not yet fully understood, and time is short to develop this scientific understanding.
A whole industry was centred on one mill, the Prince Albert pulp and paper mill, and when it closed, our forest industry went with it. Without other pulp mills close by, many sawmills closed because of lack of sales for chips. Despite the advantages of high quality and lowest delivered wood cost in western Canada, ongoing operations could not be sustained.
With less than equitable treatment under the softwood lumber agreement, Saskatchewan received a quota well below its ability to deliver. The last softwood lumber agreement provided less than 0.5% of the national quota to Saskatchewan, but the province has the potential to meet about 2% of that market. Many mills lost access to the U.S. market during its historic high period as a result.
The recently announced funding by Ottawa for communities hard hit by closures is good for the communities that are moving away from forestry, but additional efforts are required for those communities that desire revitalization and want to stay in this sector. New initiatives are needed that could maintain the sector until the United States' housing market rebounds or, more importantly, can move the industry away from its commodity-based reliance on the U.S.
Forestry has a history like many other resource-based sectors; once upon a time, profits could be raked in on commodities alone. However, times have changed, and different approaches are required. Today, wood byproducts can be used in explosives, pharmaceuticals, and polymer feedstock for clothing and tires, to name a few. Technologies exist to automate the timber harvest, provide x-ray scanning to optimize lumber recovery, and deliver “smart” paper with memory. Technologies are emerging to convert wood fibre to ethanol and other biofuels. In short, our industry must move away from high volume and towards high-value production. More research and development investment is needed to fully exploit these opportunities.
To learn how our forest sector can become a globally competitive growth area, one need only look at one of our keenest competitors. Finland, a country with a forest 1/20th the size of Canada, exported about $17 billion in forest products in 2005, compared to about $42 billion for all of Canada. It also is home to three of the world’s largest forest companies; Canada has none. The recent mergers of Abitibi and Bowater, and Domtar and Weyerhaeuser's paper division, began to create companies of scale in a sector that Canada should dominate.
Finland's forest industry faces the same global challenges as Canada's, so how are they succeeding? They have driven significant support into several key priorities: they supported industry consolidation to drive efficiencies and economies of scale; they prompted development of forest clusters to recognize efficiency brought on through minimized product handling; they grew the market for wood products by demonstrating superior wood qualities compared to steel or concrete; they involved labour in sector redesign; and they significantly increased support for product development and transfer of new technologies to a ready industry. Through this, they established the fiscal and intellectual capacity to grow their industry and help it adjust to changing world economies.
As mayor of the largest city in Saskatchewan in the forest belt, I am embarrassed; as a nation, Canada should be embarrassed that a smaller country with a smaller resource should be so much further ahead. So what can be done?
Science is our best answer to these challenges, and I call on the government to make good use of the scientific knowledge that has been built.
You can use that science to refute claims by environmental groups that our boreal forests are in a poorly managed condition. Our forests are not poorly managed and we can prove it.
We can use Canada's science to show that human management is part of the natural cycle and that our role can maintain healthy forests. Global warming is changing our forests, and science shows us the way to manage that process for economic and ecological benefit of the forest resource, and to use Canada's science base to increase public understanding of our forests to show that our forests are well-managed.
You can use Canada's science to expand products and markets and develop new manufacturing processes that can keep our industry competitive. You can use science to increase biofuel, pellet, and energy cogeneration potential for our forest resource. We can use science to increase the viability of our tree species, both economically and tied to climate change.
Agencies like the Saskatchewan Forest Centre can lead development of an industry built around high-value products, built around new markets for these products, and built around cost-competitive delivery to these markets.
New markets are required. Work is needed to expand the products from our forests and their markets. More national coordination is needed to expand markets in China and India and establish a carbon trading system to significantly change the economics of forestry. Carbon-neutral and carbon-positive forests could reduce Canada's CO2 imbalance and be a real revenue source for the industry.
Support industry consolidation and capital reinvestment. This is needed. Measures announced in the 2008 budget should help, but more is needed.
One simple objective that could be adopted naturally is to double per capita consumption and use of wood. Finland did it.
You can support the development of the Port of Churchill as an alternative route to markets for Saskatchewan. This would greatly improve accessibility to our products and place our province's exports closer to Europe than export through the St. Lawrence does.
Canada's science can be used for an international “wood is good” campaign that shows superior qualities of wood construction over steel and/or concrete. Wood use should be doubled and wood fibre utilization improved nationwide through several avenues. A national building code to further encourage wood use would be a start. As mentioned, setting a national target to double per capita use of wood would show Canada's commitment to the sector. Investing in research and development, promoting forest business clusters, allowing industry consolidation, establishing a carbon trading system, and promoting the use of wood as green energy should follow.
As mayor of Prince Albert, I am poised to assist in any way I can to renew and revitalize this sector in my city and my province. I just need the support policies in place to begin my role.
Achieving many of these goals requires national coordination, financing, and determination. The provinces may be responsible for forestry as a resource, but I believe that the nation is responsible for forestry as a future.
Thank you.