Yes, this has been an issue that has been raised by our members consistently over a number of years. We've seen particular issues in the west, in British Columbia, for example.
What happens in practice is that a company will request a certain number of railcars. They won't get the number they requested, or they'll get them on a different day. They'll ask for ten a day, and instead they'll get 40 on Friday. This is a tremendous cost to companies, because they have to have employees on shift to load the cars. So they will be prepared for a certain delivery schedule, and then when that delivery schedule doesn't happen, they will incur the costs of sending that shift home and bringing them back when the cars arrive.
They also incur costs charged by the railways. The railways apply what is called a demurrage charge, which is a charge when your car sits there and isn't loaded after 24 hours. And it's 24 hours after they deliver it, no matter when they deliver it, whether that's when you asked for it or not.
One of our member companies is currently storing their pulp outside in Chetwynd, B.C., because they cannot get railcars to move the pulp out of that mill.