I guess we really don't understand the intent of the clause. If we're able to make an agreement otherwise for more than 50%, why would the minister prevent us from bringing forward to the minister a full package that covers our obligations up to the $650 million?
I know the department sees the 50% limit as permissive, but what it ultimately does is present a ceiling above which we cannot go. When you end up having any ceiling, people can trap you into a situation where they know they've got you for the rest.
What we're saying is, why not permit us to go even beyond that, because this really leaves the market wide open? I think for our purpose as well, the development of NIAC and other organizations in the early going was necessary, without any long experience in the business. We think the insurance market now is much more mature, much more capable of being accessed by individual players, commercial players.
As a result, we'd like to test that, but making sure that we can test it for the whole amount or for a lesser amount. Once you put in 50%, we simply don't understand why that is a threshold that has to be there as a prohibition for us.
It would be a great broadening of our opportunity, is really how I'd put it.