That's a very good question. First, the Senate committee on natural resources in 2002 looked into risk assessments at the CNSC and had a number of large criticisms around how they were done, so it's not specifically Greenpeace that has addressed this. They made a number of recommendations.
One of the biggest needs we have is, first, for transparency in getting these risk assessments. It's very difficult to get hold of one. These are basically what bound environmental assessments. They basically say any accident of over one-in-a-million chance is not credible. When I've asked for these from Ontario Power Generation or the CNSC, the response is generally no.
As for Greenpeace doing one, they're very expensive to do. These are called probabilistic risk assessments. They cost millions of dollars. What I think is most important is that we have transparency and perhaps have the ability of third-party experts who could look into and analyze these for uncertainties to improve them over time. That's what we currently don't have.