Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you to the witnesses for appearing here today.
After listening to some of the questions, I hope that one day you will invite members of this committee to tour MDS Nordion, and perhaps even the Chalk River site, for AECL. That would give people a much better idea. I don't think anybody here has ever seen a nuclear reactor.
You have, Mr. Alghabra.
In any case, we could see the whole line from radioisotope production right down to what you do.
In the 2000 election, Chalk River was promised a replacement for the NRU, the Canadian neutron facility. Several of the questions here today referred to a backup source of radioisotopes. How would the construction of that facility—which would have been online right about now, as it would have taken about six or seven years to build—have affected the supply of radioisotopes for your company?