First of all, let's clarify what is small. When I was talking about 10 millimetres, I was using an example of what the rods do to illustrate how the process works.
Reactivity itself is measured in milli-k. I won't bore you with the physics, if I may, but basically the reactor currently is operating with a positive power coefficient of around plus 3 milli-k, when it was designed for minus 1 milli-k.
Again, this would be a decision for the CNSC to make, not me, but if you understood exactly what was causing it and you were running with a positive power coefficient around 1 milli-k, or somewhere around that, I would have thought you could make a safety case to the CNSC.
The effect of a small positive reactivity like that would mean that you would change the speed at which you could move the control rods up and down. You'd slow them down a bit to compensate for the fact that you have a slight positive reactivity in there, and as long as you were quite small with that positive, the slowing down of the control rods would still leave you with a viable production unit.
Basically, the MAPLE reactor has to be shut down at regular points to remove the isotope material for Nordion and then it's restarted. If you do that too slowly, you get buildup of xenon in the reactor, which then poisons the reactor out, and you can't start it for a long time, some 36 hours or so. So there is a window of opportunity there where you shut the reactor down, remove your radioisotopes for harvesting, and restart it. That's a function of the speed with which you can move control rods and things like that, so there is a limit to how positive you can go for that purpose.