Yes, but maybe I should continue, because somebody else will be interested.
For accelerator production, you can think of an accelerator as a source of neutrons, like a reactor. The difference is that an accelerator, I would say, is easier to build and it's easier to regulate. If you turn it off, it goes off--that kind of thing. So you could imagine making moly-99 by simply mimicking a reactor. You take the highly enriched uranium and you would put the neutrons in it, not from a reactor but from an accelerator. The problem with that method, I think, is it's pretty expensive. That would be the drawback to it, but you could do it. There's no reason you couldn't do it; it's simply money.
The other approach, which I think is more interesting, is to start with moly-100 and use an electronic accelerator, which would then generate photons and you would use the photon to remove one of the neutrons. So moly-100 goes to moly-99. Remember, earlier I added a neutron to 98; now I'm subtracting one. It's the same issue as before: low specific activity. Can you build that accelerator? Yes. Is it relatively inexpensive? Yes. So what is the issue? The issue again is the low specific activity. I think that's the issue that has to be solved.