I appreciate that.
I appreciate your thing of looking towards the future, but by my count, we have six major installations in Canada: Bruce Power A, Bruce Power B, Darlington, Pickering A and B, Hydro-Québec's site, and New Brunswick Power at Point Lepreau.
If we don't pass this bill, we're just leaving the liability at $75 million. There's no way that this $650 million will cover a core major disaster. I mean, it's $3,000, $800, whatever per person. It's not even going to come close.
So the insurance here is basically to cover up, if we can use the term, a small accident, a Three Mile Island that doesn't completely wipe out New York City or wherever it would be here. If we just leave this at $75 million and something small does happen, we end up picking up that gap between $75 million and $650 million.
Is there a different number? Is there a different interim measure that we should take for these smaller types of incidents?