If you have any questions as we're going along, don't hesitate to make that clear and we'll deal with them as we go. We're not going to rush through this in any fashion.
The procedure is to go through clause-by-clause. I will ask for a show of hands for votes, unless someone requests a recorded division. In that case, of course, we will go through and have a recorded division. It will be at the will of the committee on each clause to determine that. In some cases, if the committee is comfortable with it, we will group some clauses because I know there are many clauses in the bill on which there has been no indication of any concern or any proposed amendments. There are others for which we know there are amendments and there may be some further amendments coming as we go through this.
Ms. Bell, you've given an indication that you intend to make some amendments, as we go through the process, so just make sure you let us know, as we're going through this, where you want those changes to be.