This would be a unique process in the nuclear area. I've been involved in many regulation-making exercises, and I actually haven't gone through such a process in which the regulations would have to be introduced first in the House.
Just to clarify, the regulation-making process is quite complex, and the policy followed is that proposed regulations are published in Canada Gazette, Part I, with an extensive regulatory impact analysis statement. This statement includes economic and other considerations associated with the proposed regulation and provides for an extensive consultation period with anybody who's interested. That would usually be industry, for example, or non-government organizations of some sort, but also any member of this committee or anyone else would be equally able to comment and make representations. What the committee would choose to do with its views, of course, is not known to me.
All of that would have to be done prior to the regulations being made in Canada Gazette, Part II. At all times, even after the regulations are made, all regulations stand, subject to the review of the Standing Joint Committee on the Scrutiny of Regulations.
So there is a very extensive consultation process in place, which the committee can become extremely active in, if it so chooses, as can any other person.