In fact, Mr. Anderson, you probably saw the report, but perhaps you didn't have the time to read it. It's a very general report, which was good for our general culture and which informed us. However, it didn't have any research objective, and we don't see how we could make any recommendations on the basis of it. We were well informed, and now we have to take what we learned and adopt a very specific research objective in order to make recommendations. The purpose of every report isn't for it to stay on the shelves, but the government may perhaps be able to update the recommendations it contains.
I don't know whether Messrs. Tonks, St. Amand, Harris, Allen and Trost were present, but I get the impression there is a consensus on this feeling that it was a good cultural and educational start, but there wasn't a very specific research objective for recommendations to follow from it.
That was my comment, Mr. Chair.