Minister, you say that in the Auditor General's report there is no indication of the urgency. It has three major findings of serious deficiencies. Two out of the three major deficiencies revolve around the isotopes production. One has to do with the MAPLE reactors, the replacement reactors. The second one is about the existing reactor, given that it's 50 to 60 years old. It says:
AECL notes that some of these facilities are 50 to 60 years old and require upgrades and maintenance to meet health and safety standards, attract employees, and allow research and development to continue. The Corporation is currently having discussions with Natural Resources Canada about funding needed for CRL.
Also, on page 11 it says:
In June 2006, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission renewed AECL's licence for the NRU reactor and the Chalk River Laboratories until 2011. The licence requires the Corporation to take a number of actions during the licensed period.
So the Auditor General's report is quite clear about the ramifications, the situation the reactor is going through, and the pending problems that it is having.