We're still working through the exact numbers. One of the difficulties we're having today is that there are very few people to feed into the green-collar jobs. There's a real lack of capacity in the industry today to provide the necessary equipment and the necessary labour to build high-performance buildings. That's a huge restriction that we have today, so to get firm pricing is a very difficult thing to do.
We're anticipating looking at somewhere in the order of a $300,000 home becoming a $450,000 home, so it's in the order of $150,000. Interestingly enough, a $600,000 home becomes a $750,000 home. It's not a percentage increase, necessarily; it's just a fixed cost to increase to a higher level of efficiency.
Again, when we look at efficiency, we're always looking at reducing the amount of materials and energy needed and then putting technology on top of it afterwards to get it to a net zero perspective.