Yes. It's part of a program, Sustainable Building Challenge 2008, which runs every three years. It's an international competition for sustainable buildings. A Canadian group put together a submission. There was a Manitoba Hydro building and Minto Roehampton, one of our buildings, that were put forward as key sustainable buildings in Canada, where Canada is going.
It was a competition among many different countries. Germany, of course, came out first because they've got a federal government and an infrastructure that completely supports the idea of sustainability and taxes that are supportive of those who do good things and not of those who don't. So they hit number one. Canada, through what we believe is good leadership from Manitoba Hydro and through ourselves, came in second. So we're quite honoured by that.
It was focused on all the different geographies coming forward and saying what they have done for sustainability, how they've shown green buildings to be a good and practical way.