To expand on that a little, it is a learning process at this point. For example, in Ontario, programs are in place or coming into place whereby you can actually hook your solar system up to the electrical grid. Even though we have had a program in place for about a year and a half, it's being relaunched, but there is that learning curve. That has to be understood as well. It's on both sides--not only on the installation side, but on the utility side as well. There has to be that acknowledgment up front and that cooperation between everybody to try to get past that barrier.
In terms of putting a solar system up on your home, that's a great initiative. I highly recommend that. Saskatchewan, as Elizabeth mentioned, has the greatest solar resource in Canada.
In terms of what size of system you would require, I'm not going to answer that today. I'm not an engineer or an installer. However, there is a process that you would go through. You would want to speak to a qualified installer and designer, and they would go through a couple of steps with you to find out what your objectives are. They would take a look at your site and do an assessment on it to determine how much solar resource there is, the layout of the land, the pitch of your roof, and things of that nature. Also, they would do an energy consumption assessment to find out how much energy you are consuming and how large a system you would require. On top of that, they would do a fiscal assessment to find out how much you would be looking to spend.
Generally, right now a standard home would use about a three kilowatt system. At present prices you'd be looking at about $30,000. In terms of the payback for that system, it does depend on where you live in Canada. For example, in Ontario there is what is called the feed-in tariff, and that provides a greater incentive than you may find in Saskatchewan at this point in time.