Congratulations on your election to Parliament.
Let me first speak to the question you had about public relations. This funding that was made available in budget 2008 was really in response to the forest industry coming to government and asking for assistance to combat campaigns that were going on, particularly in Europe, against Canadian forest products on the basis of them not being sustainable. What they called the leadership for environmental advantage in forestry initiative is very much in response to that. It involves information development and analysis and market outreach, as well as funding for certain reporting and some science within our department to verify the sustainability of forest products. So it's more than just public relations. There is very sophisticated campaigning that they see as a threat to market development internationally.
On the money available for innovation, I would refer you to the minister's comments about Forest Products Innovations or FPInnovations. It is the largest non-profit research institute, and we are funding it, along with industry. We'd be happy to give you more information on that.
On the question of credit, I'll ask my colleague here to respond.