Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
It's nice to see you again, Ms. Doyle, and your associates.
Speaking on behalf of the committee—those of us who sat on the committee, Mr. Chair, through the last episode when NRU was shut down—we listened to the accountability loop closing and opening with respect to CNSC and AECL. We're not going to go through that again, but out of those hearings I thought the committee had received an assurance, through a report, that a protocol would be developed.
One aspect was that if there were any suspicion that the reactor would have to be shut down, the medical community would be instantly notified and appropriate secondary responses would take place, in view of the implications from a medical perspective. Secondly, I thought that we also had received assurance that the protocol would account for public disclosure.
That's my recollection, Mr. Chairman, and I'm wondering, Ms. Doyle.... I'm not really looking for a comment. I don't think the committee needs that now. But I think that corporate memory is very important and that perhaps Ms. Doyle could take this under advisement and report back to the committee on whether that protocol was developed. If she wants to reply now, that's quite in order. I have another question, but I was thinking that to get on with the time, we could get a report in the future.