As I indicated in the opening remarks, creating FPInnovations has been a key part in showing Canada as a leader in innovation in forestry. It's not just a collaboration of private and public; it is a very intensive research base levering out of this great natural forest we have here in Canada. Budget 2009 provides a total $120 million over two years to support innovation initiatives in the forestry sector, and to break it down for you, it's $80 million over two years for the transformative technologies program administered by FPInnovations, and that focuses on developing emerging and breakthrough technology, so it's taking it to the next level. As well, there is $40 million in 2010-11 to develop a pilot-scale demonstration project for new products for use in commercial applications. This is very exciting because it's bringing to fruition some of the scientific research that has been happening within FPInnovations.
Overall, the Government of Canada is committed to securing a strong future for the forest sector through enhanced innovation and through this entrepreneurial activity in coordination with the industry itself.