Just to provide some idea of what they do on a regular basis, one, they observe the inspections AECL has done. As was pointed out, this part of the reactor is very hard to get at; it's done remotely with cameras. We don't put our own cameras in, but we just watch what AECL does and we do our own analysis and detailed review of what comes out of those inspections.
We also do some oversight inspections, making sure that AECL continues to follow the international and national standards that are in their licence. We observe AECL's decision-making process. We sit in on meetings as observers. We're allowed to ask questions. We don't participate in those meetings and don't participate in the decisions, but we do actively ask questions and make sure they are looking at the full safety picture in any decisions they make.
We also have daily meetings, both with AECL management and the technical staff, on future plans. So we are looking at how they are considering repairs; what the repair options are, and if there are any safety issues related to those options; and also the monitoring of the environmental releases. While they remain very low, we are constantly in contact with them to make sure they remain well within the safe area.