Thank you.
The scenario, Mr. Ryan, that you've developed is reminiscent of the Avro Arrow and the loss of our aerospace infrastructure. You know the rest of the story.
You say that what we really need to do is to build for the future through the Neutron Beam Centre and expand Canada's industrial economic research capacity. I don't think you'd find anybody who is in disagreement with that. However, we have the Prime Minister and the minister indicating that Canada should vacate that particular role. Would you like to comment on that? I don't mean this in a partisan way. I think we're being bumped and nudged away from a huge value-added opportunity, and I'm afraid that partisanship might be helping this become more than a bump and a nudge. I think the committee would be very interested in hearing your response.
Mr. Lockyer, you indicated there is an additional opportunity with respect to the accelerator, PET imaging, and the cyclotron accelerator technology. Is one at the expense of the other, or are those kinds of strategic plans inclusive of a combination of responses?
Mr. Ryan, perhaps you can answer first.