I actually want to challenge you a bit on something you said. You left the impression that it was from 2006 on that these issues became clear, but three weeks ago, in an article in the Globe and Mail, you said:
Ms. Keen said she was told the Maples had problems in 2001, when she arrived at the CNSC.
A quote from you:
“One of my staff who has since retired said, ‘You know, we are going to be bringing out the cement machines to fill that in,'” she said.
And this is a quote again:
“The fact that it took seven years to decide [to scrap it] and many millions of dollars is because the AECL engineers tried their hardest to make it work. But the CNSC had really great physicists–and still has, I believe–and the CNSC said, ‘No, it is an inherently flawed design.'”
When did you say that?