I would start by saying that NRC built NRX and NRU, so they have a pretty good track record on this issue of successful reactor projects and a long-term commitment to Canada.
The second thing I would say is that the NRC is ideally placed. It has most of the experts it would need to call on or else it can find them. It has the contacts and it can bring in all the experts it would need in order to bring this project forward.
The third thing I would say is that it fits very well with its mandate, which is to sit between industry and research and try to bridge those gaps and bring one to the other. It allows industry to understand what research is doing; it allows research to be transferred to an industrial environment. A new research reactor is exactly what that does. It's applied research, understanding chunks of steel, or it's fundamental research, understanding what's going on at the most fundamental level in materials. Or it's nuclear engineering. These are all very valuable products within Canada and it's right along the way that NRC operates.