On the point of why HANARO was licensed and MAPLE had difficulties licensing, HANARO is a larger reactor, so following Dr. Smith's comment, flux gradients in the bigger reactor are less important to the reactivity. So it's quite possible, even with identical fuel, that one coefficient could be positive in MAPLE and the other coefficient could be negative in HANARO. But both of them are relatively small, and small coefficients, whether positive or negative, really are not important to safety.
I referenced the first comment on this point to W.B. Lewis, the father of CANDU, who said in 1960 that the important thing was to have small coefficients so that they were easily controllable, and whether the coefficient was positive or negative was relatively unimportant. That's an extremely important point to make. So the positive power coefficient in MAPLE is not really a safety issue; it's a regulatory issue.
I think it was Dr. Nathwani who mentioned that regulatory inflexibility--in fact, extreme inflexibility--on this point was counter to both operation and to safety.