Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I do not know if it's preferable to go in French or in English. I can do both and switch from one to the other.
If there are people who would like to hear me in French, I can begin the presentation in French. I may lapse into English sometimes, depending on my train of thought.
First, we were invited to come before this committee on very short notice. We therefore prepared the document you have before you very quickly, and I will refer to it throughout my presentation.
Currently, as everyone knows, we are faced with a worldwide shortage of technetium 99m, a large portion of which is produced by the NRU reactor of the nuclear laboratories in Chalk River, or rather the Chalk River laboratories. I worked for a long time for Atomic Energy Canada Limited in Chalk River. At the time, it was called Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, and sometimes I forget and use the former name.
I would remind you that this Technetium 99 is not produced directly in the Chalk River nuclear reactor; it is produced essentially by Uranium-235 fission in special enriched uranium targets. The NRU reactor uses uranium that is enriched to just over 90% in Uranium-235, which produces a type of uranium that is not normally used for civilian activities. For the purposes of radio-isotope production, the system works very well, and the quality and efficiency of uranium production are very high given these highly enriched targets.
This highly enriched uranium, once it is placed in the reactor, undergoes fission, like the rest of the uranium around it. After a few days, this uranium is removed and chemically treated so as to extract one of the products of the fission of Uranium-235, that is, Molybdenum 99. This Molybdenum 99 is very useful, because although it is radioactive with a half life of almost 3 days, that is, 66 hours, it can be transported relatively easily throughout the world, given the means of very rapid transport that we currently have at our disposal.
The disintegration of this Molybdenum 99 gives rise to another isotope, Technetium 99, this time in metastable form. This Technetium 99 will disintegrate and have a half life of six hours. This metastable form is simply the form of the core of Technetium 99, an excited state on a layer of quantum energy. To reach its ground or unexcited state, it emits a gamma ray. Therefore, Technetium 99 is a pure gamma ray emitter. These rays are emitted at an energy at which the nuclear medicine detection systems are very sensitive, which means that this Technetium 99 technology has given rise to a vast array of nuclear medicine instruments.
Technetium 99 has the immense advantage of being a non-invasive technique, and is thus very popular in nuclear medicine. We have seen a steady rise in the demand for Technetium 99 the world-over, simply because from a demographic point of view, the population in North America and that of Europe especially are aging. Therefore, the number of treatments required to keep these people in good health is increasing steadily, on the one hand, and on the other, more and more inhabitants of emerging countries require Technetium 99-based treatments as well.
Furthermore, nuclear medicine technology has developed considerably in recent years, and therefore, more and more Technetium 99m procedures are becoming accessible to the public. This means that not only do more people need this treatment, but there is also an ever-increasing number of applications for this isotope, which means that the demand for Technetium 99 will only continue to rise.
This unique isotope is very difficult to produce in massive quantities outside nuclear reactors. Although a certain amount can be produced using cyclotrons, this method produces only Technetium 99m and not Molybdenum, and since Technetium has a half life of only 6 hours, the time available is very short.
This concludes our overview of technetium 99m. However, I would also like to point out that even the technique known as PET scan would not be able to meet all medical imaging needs, even if we were only talking about Canada.
To vary things a bit, I will now speak in English.
I will give you my point of view on the MAPLE 1 and 2 reactors at Chalk River.
I must say, first of all, that I have very little technical information or precise information about these reactors.
If I can go back to a long time ago, in 1992 the Chalk River Laboratories decided to shut down the NRX reactor because its useful lifetime had been essentially reached and this reactor was no longer reliable. NRU, which was a nuclear reactor right next to NRX, became de facto the only nuclear reactor in Canada able to produce these radioisotopes on a very large scale.
At the time this situation arose, it was clear that the NRU reactor would reach the end of its useful life quite soon. Twenty years before, in the early seventies, the calandria of this NRU reactor had been changed, and, if I am not mistaken, the design lifetime of this calandria was only 20 years. So the calandria of NRU should have been replaced in 1995, or around there. But the MAPLE reactors were put forward as an alternative to NRU, and each of these two reactors was to be able to produce more than 100% of world demand in radioisotopes.
Of course, these two nuclear reactors, as we know, have given rise to a variety of technical problems, technical issues. Many of them were solved. One could question the quality of construction, so I think AECL spent some time going through quality assurance to make sure that the reactor was built according to design. Most of the technical problems were solved.
If you don't know how the nuclear industry works, usually when you modify something in a nuclear reactor, when you bring forth a new type of reactor, most of the time you have unforeseen difficulties. You can think of the Darlington reactor, which was just an increment in size of a standard design, and engineering problems arose that took more than a year to solve. So I think the MAPLE reactors, MAPLE 1 and MAPLE 2, do not escape these sorts of engineering constants.
However, there is a larger MAPLE reactor operating in South Korea, the HANARO reactor. So as far as we know, the MAPLE reactors were stopped last year mostly because one technical issue has not been solved, namely the positive reactivity coefficient. This reactivity coefficient was predicted to be negative, as it is also predicted to be negative in larger CANDU reactors. Similar calculations to those done on the MAPLE project were performed by other laboratories in the United States, all of them reaching the conclusion: this positive power coefficient should have been negative.
It was, however, measured as positive. Although some efforts were made by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited to explain this positive power coefficient, the full explanation was not found.
When you find yourself in a situation where you cannot predict as simple a coefficient as the power coefficient, then can you be sure that the nuclear safety analyses, which are based on calculations, are correct?
We hope that the MAPLE reactors were simply put in a mothballed state rather than truly dismantled. It is our opinion, however, that the MAPLE reactor project should be reinstated and that sole technical difficulty be tackled by a group of people involving not only AECL but also those from outside this company, maybe some other organizations, including universities, where we have, over the last few years, made very powerful modifications to transport theory, nuclear reactor calculations, fluid flow, and heat transfer.
I think we should put together the resources to analyze the situation and predict correctly the positive power coefficient so that this technical issue can be solved and the molybdenum–99 and technetium-99m problem can be solved once and for all. It is my opinion that this country should put some of its resources into solving this problem.
We are not raising anything new when mentioning the advanced age of the NRU reactor. This reactor, which was designed in the 1960s following successful operation of the NRX reactor, had an exemplary career in its capacity as a nuclear reactor. Not only did it produce radio-isotopes, but it also supported research activities that were important to the Canadian nuclear industry as well basic research, for example, in the area of neutron spectroscopy.
We should be fully aware that the NRU reactor was not originally designed to produce radio-isotopes, but solely to support research. It was not until later, around 1975, that radio-isotope technology really began developing for use in nuclear medicine. Gradually, the NRU and NRX reactors were tailored to this situation in order to supply a considerable portion of the radio-isotopes used throughout the world.
In 1995, the calandria reached the end of its 20-year useful life. With the announcement of the MAPLE project, it was simply decided that the useful life of the NRU reactor would have to be extended until the two MAPLE reactors came on line. But given that the MAPLE project went on longer than expected, the useful life of the NRU reactor was extended to support the production of radio-isotopes during this transitional period.
The NRU reactor is now the only one in Canada that can produce significant quantities of radio-isotopes. Last year, authorities at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited decided to put an end to the development of the MAPLE reactors, but the calandria of the NRU reactor, which should have been replaced in 1995, was not. So it is no surprise to us that the calandria is now leaking. It has gone well beyond its useful life of 20 years: in fact, it is now up to 35 years, that is, over 50% longer than its projected maximum life. We believe that the NRU reactor will experience recurring problems of this kind.
Some of you may be disappointed to learn that, in my opinion, the useful life of the NRU reactor should be extended for a longer period than currently planned. We are currently told that the NRU reactor's useful life will end in 2016, whereas its operating licence expires in 2011. So my conclusion is that the next operating licence will be good for five years, which is standard for the licences issued by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. This five-year period is merely an administrative decision, not one based on the actual condition of the reactor.
Appropriate repairs could be made to the NRU reactor, especially given the current shutdown and the fact that the southern pump has been emptied. This would allow not only the most urgent repairs to be done, but also those required to prevent further corrosion. In these conditions, I believe that the useful life of this reactor could extend beyond 2016.
Moreover, I would like to point out that it is very difficult to build nuclear reactors quickly, regardless of the country. The announcement concerning the MAPLE reactors probably meant that other countries in the world shelved any plans they may have had to build reactors that could produce these radio-isotopes, given that the two MAPLE reactors were to supply 100% of world production.
Therefore, I believe that our country has the very great responsibility of keeping the NRU reactor operational, given that not only does it continue to produce radio-isotopes, but it also supports basic and applied research for the CANDU reactors.
This concludes my presentation.