It's a fair question.
I think what we have at the current time is a dependence of the overall global market, including Canadians, on five aging reactors. The last time I was here, I described that there is also in fact some reliance in that process on what we call technetium generators in the United States.
I think one of the first questions the panel focused on, in the first discussion I had with them when I went to brief them on the matter, is what is the proper role of the government here versus what may be the proper commercial interests? The proper role of the government is to see that the needs of Canadians are met. There may be different ways and different technologies and different commercial arrangements whereby this might occur. It is early in the process to establish exactly what this may be. But I would suggest, Mr. Chairman, that it is the role of the government and it is now the role of the panel to advise on how to achieve this goal.