I have to pause a second, because understanding what is in the public domain and what's not in the public domain, I'm basically forbidden from saying anything about it under the rules of the Ontario process.
So I guess what you would have seen in the month of June, I believe, is that Ontario announced that of the three proposals that had been submitted, only the proposal submitted by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited met the conditions of the Government of Ontario, of Infrastructure Ontario, in the competitive process. But it indicated at the same time that there were two issues that precluded at that time Ontario from being fully satisfied with that proposal, one being the uncertainty around the future of AECL, and second being the price. They felt the price was too high. I imagine they felt it was too high; they said “the price”, so I imagine it was because it was too high.
There have been follow-on, obviously, discussions with AECL and perhaps with other vendors, but I'm not at liberty of indicating under the rules of the Ontario process, which are actually quite strict.