The other major technology providers.... You have AREVA and Westinghouse, which are basically the two biggest ones in the world. You have GE Hitachi. What is forecasted in the situation...and I'll make a parallel to the Inco acquisition. When you have a foreigner coming in and taking new Canadian assets, what happens is that the priority to the company in the future is to always protect the headquarters in its own country.
Right now, Vale Inco in Brazil has been pressured by the government to spend more money in Brazil, to do more for the Brazilian people and more for the Brazilian mines. There's a slowdown in the world economy, and right now all of the Inco sites in Canada are being shut down or they're negotiating tougher conditions for the workers for some of the processes. Everything is slowing down in its Canadian operations.
The parallel I was trying to make is a little bit like what happens to Canadian companies that have been purchased by foreigners, how they become subsidiaries afterwards, and how it is dangerous when there's a slowdown in the world economy, because of what happens to the subsidiaries of any foreign country.