Good afternoon. Thank you very much.
I'd like to paint a broader picture of the context of nuclear power around the world, particularly in Canada, and talk a little bit about the opportunities that it presents the nation.
OCI represents about 160 companies, all of which have an active involvement in the Canadian nuclear supply chain. Power producers, such as OPG and Bruce Power, are not members, nor are the reactor vendors, such as AECL, AREVA, and Westinghouse. That allows us to focus very clearly on issues surrounding the manufacturers and the other suppliers of goods and services that make up our supply chain.
The CANDU supply chain has benefited from the consistent, ongoing work that's been taking place within the industry, both in building new stations and maintaining and refurbishing the existing CANDU fleet. This has led to the creation in Canada of a modern, tight, well-organized, and highly qualified supply chain that is actually the envy of many of the other reactor vendors.
It's interesting to think that some of the problems that have previously been discussed arose as a result of new supply chains being formed, and compare and contrast those with the solid supply chain we have here in Canada.
With the renaissance in the industry, the other reactor supply chains are severely challenged, which creates a massive opportunity for Canada and its companies to benefit by supplying components both to the CANDU plants and other plants around the world. In fact, I'd say one of AECL's greatest strengths that's often forgotten is the supply chain that stands behind it, which really creates a formidable force within the industry.
However, the situation at the moment is quite challenging. Uncertainties surrounding AECL's future and the fact that we presently have no demonstration site for the advanced CANDU reactor are dragging our industry down at a time when we should be building it and creating jobs. The failed Ontario RFP process and the isotope crisis have added to these problems—and, again, by association, these have lowered some of our opportunities. As a result, we are talking about the need for urgent action within the nation.
In these comments, I hope to make a case for saving the industry and to re-emphasize the urgency of identifying some of the things that we need to do to put things right.
The nuclear industry is an anchor industry within Canada. It's one of the few remaining anchor industries in the nation. We've always been a leader in the production of civil nuclear power: we were the second country to sustain a nuclear reaction; one of the first to develop a civil power reactor design; and we were one of the earlier adopters of nuclear power as a form of producing electricity. Today, we are the seventh largest producer of nuclear power in the world. We also hold a large portion of the world's uranium reserves, and we are a leading provider of uranium processing, mining, and exploration, as well as of our iconic CANDU brand of reactors. In fact, 10% of the world's power reactors are of Canadian design, and we are now one of an elite group of countries that do actually have a design for a generation III-plus reactor.
From the creation of an anchor industry, there are more than the direct benefits you will hear about in terms of the statistics of the value of a sale of a CANDU. There are also benefits to our industries. As a result of being in the nuclear industry, we now have established companies that specialize in nuclear engineering, construction, component manufacture, equipment supply, and service provision. They work on the Canadian-designed plants. We are also a large supplier of equipment to the other reactor vendors. L-3 MAPPS, one of our companies, is now the world-leading supplier of simulators, not just for the CANDU designs but also for all other nuclear reactors around the world. Indeed, they are now the leading supplier of simulators for all other thermal electricity-producing plants. All of that was a result of our investment in the industry. Similar stories can be told of The Babcock & Wilcox Company, and of SNC-Lavalin, which have benefited from being associated with this successful industry.
It's also created spinoff opportunities, which we're becoming very aware of nowadays, such as medical isotope production. Other areas that people may not know so much about are Canada's role in the supply of other sealed sources and in food irradiation. In all of these things, Canada is now a world leader.
Finally, as a result of our involvement in this as an anchor industry, we've invested in research and development, thereby creating commercially important intellectual property that remains within the country and from which we continue to benefit. It's also substantially helped in our development of human capital that allows us to compete on the world stage.
CANDU has a strong reputation around the world. It's something that I think sometimes in Canada we forget. Our CANDU plants are routinely in the top 10 in terms of the world's best reactor performers. Our record for on-time and on-cost delivery in our foreign export projects is exemplary. Our standing as a nation and our standing in terms of our manufacturers have very much developed and improved as a result of our involvement in this industry. As trade relations with India begin to improve, it is nuclear that is at the top of their list that they want to discuss with us.
I'd like to talk a little bit about nuclear renaissance, which is undoubtedly taking place. In order to understand why it's a renaissance, it is important to understand a little bit about the history of the industry. Nuclear power developed very rapidly. We only developed a consciousness that it was possible in the 1940s, and by the 1960s we had mastered the technology and built and operated power-producing reactors. By the 1980s, we were connecting a new reactor to the grid every 17 days. There are now 430 reactors producing power around the world at this moment, and many more reactors in submarines, icebreakers, and other forms of shipping.
Ironically, if the anti-nuclear groups had been successful in their attempts to do good and had managed to hold that program up earlier, then the world would have many more coal-fired power stations than it does at the moment. The environmental challenges that we face from smog, acid rain, marine acidification, and mercury contamination would be far worse. But worse still, global warming would have hit earlier and with much greater force than it presently does. It would also have been at a time when we would not have been technologically capable of responding. So our nuclear fleet around the world has made a dramatic improvement to our current environmental situation.
The rapid development, though, did have its problems. We accept that. Combined with the fact that fossil fuels were much more prevalent than we thought they were, that did cause a slowdown in the industry. That, in many ways, has been good news for Canada because some of the less strong reactor designs have fallen away from the market. Designs like the Magnox and AGR out of the U.K. are now no longer available, leaving Canada as one of the very few nations that has a reactor design appropriate for the developing modern market.
The world nuclear renaissance is clearly taking place. It's not as fast as some of us would have hoped, but it is solid, it's robust, and it is essential to the national strategies of both developed and developing nations alike. The World Nuclear Association records that there are presently 49 reactors under construction, and each one of these reactors is a project worth billions of dollars. That's in 13 different countries. There are 136 presently in the planning stages and 283 more in the proposed stages. If we take global warming seriously, there is an expectation that 650 reactors will be built in the foreseeable future. We were hearing today that the IEA, the International Energy Agency, is saying that it could be something more like 1,200, if we are to take some of the coal-fired production out of production, in order, again, to bring down our CO2 emissions. Countries that previously turned their backs on nuclear power, like Sweden and Italy, are returning to the fold, recognizing that there is no other way of producing the electricity they need to maintain their standards of living.
Every reactor, no matter what its design, is an opportunity for people in the Canadian nuclear supply chain, and this opportunity is dramatically increased when we sell the CANDUs because over 80% of the value of the fabricated components come from Canada. It's a tremendous economic benefit to the nation when we are successful in selling those plants.
What we are trying to get people to understand is that this renaissance is happening now and other countries are making their decisions about their reactor technologies at this present time. So if we want to be part of this renaissance, it is important that we sort out some of our own issues internally so that we can move forward, demonstrate our capabilities, and become an active part of that renaissance. We do have a relatively short period of time to do that, and these issues are urgent.
Quickly on the issues, the Canadian nuclear industry is presently very busy. Throughout the recession it has been one of the beacons of light and hope for people, particularly in the trades in Ontario. No one in the nuclear industry, so far as I am aware, has requested or received anything of the style of a bailout package. However, our future export success does depend on us demonstrating the readiness of our technology, and also in developing a successful approach to selling our existing technologies--the CANDU 6s.
Presently, we have no confirmed site for the ACR demonstration, and this is being interpreted by the rest of the world as a lack of confidence in our own technology. We have no reason to lack that confidence. If a site were to be available, it would appear we would need to make further investments in order to successfully commercialize the ACR. Investment is a good thing. Investment creates a return.
AECL is presently poorly equipped to compete on the world stage. It has neither the financial resources nor the marketing presence to be successful. As a result, the government has decided that there should be a restructuring. We fully support that concept, to bring the appropriate resources into AECL and to allow Canada to be successful.
In previous sales of reactor vendors, such as the sale of Westinghouse to Toshiba, considerable premium was paid--in the order of billions of dollars--for the promise of the reactor technology that they were developing. With no identified demonstration site for the ACR, it will be difficult for this nation to realize such a premium on the restructuring of AECL. We consider that to be a significant threat to the ACR program, and consequently to the ongoing position of Canada as a world leader in this technology. As other countries are making their reactor choices now, we think we need to move swiftly to deal with identifying a site for demonstrating the advanced CANDU reactor and also for promptly restructuring AECL.
In restructuring AECL, we think the focus should not necessarily only be on how much income we can bring in, but we have to keep an eye on what it's going to do for the supply chain in Canada and maintaining the development, engineering, construction, and planning staff here in Canada. We'd be looking for people who want to commercialize the ACR and are prepared to make the investments, and we'd separately be looking for people who want to promote the existing CANDU technology, which has some very distinct niche market benefits.
As AECL is restructured, it substantially changes the landscape for the supply chain in Canada. We'd like to draw attention to that because we then believe that as we move forward, the supply chain needs to be treated like many of the other industries in the nation, such as the automotive industry and, say, pharmaceuticals, so that we would separately set up capabilities to sell the capabilities of our supply chain, such as trade missions, diplomatic support, and developing marketing campaigns focused around our supply chain and not only around our reactors.
We do say that we've passed a fork in the road. Every day we are walking involuntarily down a path toward decline. With some immediate action we can turn that around. We can capitalize on the position of a strong supply chain and create jobs for Canadians in Canada.
Thank you very much. I apologize for going a bit over my time, but I do feel it's an important message.