That's a very good question, and I don't have the answer to it, the final part. That's one of the reasons we asked the question of the Environment Commissioner. The Environment Commissioner can demand that NRCan respond within three months, so we hope this will force them to respond.
In regard to what is referred to in AECL's annual reports, there's an area that I've noticed that is called “off-book liabilities”. What we've seen is the huge growth from $112 million in 2004 to $500 million last year. We don't know the details because they are not released. When you look at when they were signing contracts for Point Lepreau or Bruce A, possibly South Korea as well, that's where we see it going up. This year, this off-book liability became an on-book liability for the Canadian taxpayer.
What we're asking for is some mechanism, one where we could get out on the table what liabilities are there. It will help inform the discussion on privatization, and we need to control these costs. This is effectively a subsidy for provincial nuclear energy operators. Right now, the government would want to support that—Greenpeace wouldn't—but you need to have a policy that rationalizes it, and it's all being improvised right now.